Processional Walkway was originally created in 2011 for Art in Odd Places, an annual public art festival in New York, NY. It was restaged in 2014 for the Infecting the City public art festival in Cape Town, South Africa and again in 2017 for the Whitney Houston Biennial in New York, NY.
The project consists of pathways that I created out of 50,000 red rose petals in the center of each city. I drew inspiration from the processional walkways of ancient temples, sacred passageways designed to purify the visitor and provoke a sense of awe. These modern counterparts offer commuters and passersby purification for the struggles and triumphs of the day ahead. With most people focused on their ultimate destination, the walkways highlight the simple act of walking and elevate it to an event worthy of celebration.
Article in Sculpture, September 2012
Photo in Public Art Review, Fall/ Winter 2012